- Oct. 13, 2008 So, according to my Quicken, over the past three years and 13 days (Oct. 1, 2005 to Oct. 13, 2008), I have increased my net worth by $12,603.53!! This is counting my student loan and whatever is in any savings accounts, so it's not like have that much cash just lying around. But it does mean that in general, my debt has decreased since I've been in Connectihell. And really, that stayed rather constant until August 2007 when my net worth increased by $11,806.52. That seems insane to me. But it's been my strategy of paying debt and not getting new debt. The only exception has been the fact that I had to take out a $7500 personal loan to pay off my shitty-ass therapist last year. So, yeah, I still have a negative net worth (~2/3 of which is student loan), but it's ticking up. It'll be nice once these last two credit cards are gone completely. I love bringing account balances to zero. =)
Interesting. Rereading it now, I'm curious to look up these numbers and delve deeper into this, but the Quicken is on the other computer and I'm all comfy here in bed.
Okay, I have myself functionally switched over.