Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another bit of retarded banking, but hopefully the last of it.

I was in a foul mood yesterday anyway, so I went down to the bank to try yet again to change the PIN on my new debit card that I didn't want anyway.

I told my friend that works at the bank that I wanted to change my PIN, and she had me take a seat and wait for someone to help me. Luckily, D (the overall bank manager) was back from vacation, so she helped me instead of E (who is just a useless sack of hair). Anyway, D sat me down and cooed over how cool my new card looked, and I made a point of telling her that my friend made me get a new card. Well, D did the EXACT same thing that E did on Friday with the computer. And she said, "There. That should do it."

I tried my PIN with my friend the teller. Nope. New PIN didn't work... AGAIN! So, D tells me that I can change my PIN at the ATM! She waits in line with me for a few minutes, and then lets me loose when she's tired of waiting. After the three people in front of me in line finished their business, I walked up to the ATM, and 30 seconds later, I had changed my own PIN!

WTF? What's the point of even having people working in the bank? And you're seriously telling me that I could have done that myself all along WITHOUT all the retarded drama!

Thank you Bank of America for your EXCELLENT customer service! (please note the sarcasm)

1 comment:

  1. what exactly is retarded drama? No reason to use the word retarded as far as I can tell. Why dehumanize people with special needs? You certainly can make your point very well without that word.
    Not trying to take away your right to use it. Just questioning why you would when you have so many other options.
