Sunday, August 2, 2009

Banking Retardedness

I don't know how I end up in these situations, but I do (too frequently for my taste). So, a friend of mine works at my bank, which just happens to be in the building where I work. She's also the wife of a buddy of mine with whom I work, so we all carpool (which is great, because parking is ridiculously expensive). Anyway, I like to get cash at the tellers in the bank instead of the ATM, because the ATM is retarded, and I hate using $20 bills to buy lunch from the carts at work. Lately, every time I go in to get money, she's needling me to convert my account to this special type of account that will let the bank give to a charity of my choice (of course she's pushing the HRC on me, but it's probably what I would choose for myself anyway).

Well, the other day, she was super annoying and persistent about it. So, to get her to shut the fuck up about it, I said sure do it. Thinking that she could just do it right there at the teller window and it wouldn't take long (that's the impression she gave, anyway). Well, she sends me to the back to deal with someone else (which I HATE). And I give her my info and tell her what I "want". Then my friend comes back in the back and sees that this other woman is having a problem with it. So, she says that they have all my info and I can go back to work.

A few hours later, I get a text that basically says "Don't hate me". UGH. Turns out, that the other woman was retarded, and my friend promised me something that they couldn't do (keep my same debit card number). So, she canceled my debit card and issued me a new one. Ordinarily, NOT a huge problem, but annoying. However, I had been in the process of making plans with a friend of mine from thousands of miles away to meet up after work in the city. Hmm....can't buy train tickets without my debit card! Turns out that plans with my other friend fell through.

But seriously! You can't just cancel someone's debit card without their permission! So, until I get the new card in the mail, I have to be cash only. It's not that bad, but I don't like the thought of NOT having the card, just in case. It's just extra maddening, because this is all for something that I didn't even really want. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for giving to charity, and the HRC is a great cause. But this is way too much stress and hassle that I didn't want.

Hopefully, my new debit card will be here soon.


  1. Perhaps she kept pestering you about it because she KNEW you would switch?

    I dunno, I'd be pissed if my friends did that to me.

  2. She kept pestering me about it, because she knew that I would cave and do it just to shut her up. And I am pissed about it. It's been almost a week, and I'm calming down. But there's still no usable debit card in my possession.
